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My farher

 My father and my son Rostam It was 3 months ago that my father passed away. I remember it was day before the start of Ramadhan. Since then I had visited Sitiawan to meet Pak Chor, Pak Ngah and Mak Chu and Mak Ngah, my father's brother and sister. I also visited our old abandoned house and was overcome with some sort of grief to see it so quiet and without life. I went to Kampung Seberang Parit, my childhood playground and stayed at Mat Daud's house. The next day I went to Bagan Serai to visit Mak Ngah to spend a few hours with her. On the way home I visited Mak Cik and Pak Cik in Taiping, with whom I stayed for a year in Bruas. I was happy to visit my father's brothers and sisters for my father himself was very close with them. After waiting for 6 days in the hospital there was no improvement in my father's condition. My brothers,sisters, nieces and nephew, uncle and unties and friends visited my father, but my father was getting weaker each day.My father was a str

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